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  • snasta 4:34 am on July 10, 2015 Permalink  

    Four Bits of Wisdom from Tony Bourdain 

    My wife bought us a couple of tickets to go see Tony Bourdain at Bass Concert Hall.  I’ve always respected Mr. Bourdain’s treatment of cultures around the world (in way similar to Michael Palin).   A couple of interesting thoughts:

    • On Partners:   At 11 o’clock at night when your partner calls how will you feel about taking that call?   Do you really want to be partners with someone whose call you won’t take at night?
    • On Picking what you do:   A year from now when I look back, will I hate myself for doing this?
    • On Gluten:  I travel a lot, I don’t see people having problems with Gluten in India….they simply can’t afford to be allergic to gluten.
    • On Taking What’s Offered:  When someone offers you food or alcohol in their home accept it.  They’re offering their culture, their history.  Your relationship with them won’t go further if you don’t.
    • On Raising his Daughter:  She will know she’s loved.  She will not have problems with self esteem and will certainly know martial arts


  • snasta 2:43 pm on March 14, 2015 Permalink  

    Tip: Write down your criteria before editing proposals or contracts 

    Here’s a quick tip that’s served me well for reviewing documents such as proposals or even more importantly contracts prepared by somebody else.   Before you open the document to review it write and outline of what you want in the document before you start reading the document.  I find that once i start reading the document I focus on the issues that are already in the document and don’t think about issues that aren’t already in the document—a dangerous mistake.   

    Another tip, read contracts from the bottom up—important issues are frequently buried in the back.   

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