Strategic Thinking: Multiply

We’re at the tale end of planning strategy for 2016 for our little company.   We’re working hard to make the transition from a hero driven company to a process driven company (more about that in another post).   Here are some basic tenets that I’m trying to focus on in all aspects of our company for 2016:  Our product and services choices, the way we choose to invest, and the folks we choose to work with.  We will of course hold true to our values in the process.
Multiply Don’t Add….we need products that allow us to Multiply Income Not Services that let us create Additional Income
Multiply Don’t Divide…we need people who Multiply our Time and Capabilities not people who Divide our Attention.
Multiply Time with Money.   When we started our company Money was a precious resource.  To get to the next stage Time is a precious resource.  We need to Multiply Time with Money.
Definitely not a fully thought through set of ideas.   I will bet there are second order consequences and cultural risks I’ve not thought through.  Still exploring.  Feedback welcome.